Friday, March 27, 2015

Lens Blog - Variety

I believe that this picture demonstrates the use of variety the best, because it has the circular shapes of the bowls and the rectangular shapes of the sheet metal. In addition to the variety of shapes, the picture also has a variety of colors. For example, the bright colors of the goat stew sharply contrasts with the dark color of the bowls.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Half Past Autumn - Gordon Parks Pt 1 - 4


1. He put Gordon in a bucket of cold water.
2. Gordon was born in Kansas.
3. She told him that he wasn't "college material".
4. He was 15 when his mother died.
5. He moved to Minnesota after her death.
6. He didn't finish high school, but he got a degree from Princeton.
7. He began his fashion photography career by taking pictures of models in Frank Murphy's shop.
8. A double exposure is the joining of multiple images to create a single image.
9. Joe Louis was a professional boxer.
10. He played the piano.
11. The purpose of the FSA was to show Americans the conditions of the Great Depression.
12. Stryker's first assignment for Gordon was to go buy a topcoat, go to the restaurant across the street, and go watch a movie.
13. Ella Watson was a woman who was sweeping the floor at the FSA.
14. The inspiration for Grant Wood's American Gothic was (NOT DONE)
15. Gordon learned from Stryker that he had to learn how to portray bigotry correctly.


16. The FSA shut down in 1943.
17. He shot for Vogue.
18. The picture editor was Wilson Hicks.
19. The first major story he covered was about crime.
20. Artists that influenced Gordon Parks during his stay in Paris included Degas and Monet.
21. No information
22. Parks' concerto was performed in Venice.
23. Park's second wife was Elizabeth Campbell
24. Flavio de Silva was 12.
25. Parks met Flavio in 1961.
26. Flavio lived in the slums of Brazil when he first met Gordon Parks.
27. Gloria Vanderbilt was an artist and a member of the prominent Vanderbilt family. Her son is the news anchor Anderson Cooper
28. Vanderbilt described their relationship as pre-formed and natural.

1. I believe that being successful is having an impact on the world.
2. I have given much most of my free time and interests to be successful.
3. Parks has given up his family and personal life to be successful.
4. No information
5. Parks was advanced $10,000 to write his first book.
6. Elijah Muhammad offered Parks $500,000 to do a story on The Nation of Islam.
7. Parks refused the money because he did not agree with Elijah Muhammad's beliefs.
8. The Learning Tree was significant because it was one of the first major Hollywood movies produced by an African-American man..
9. Shaft was significant because he was a black superhero.
10. Gordon Park's choice of weapon was the camera.
11. Genevieve Young believes that she and Gordon Parks divorced because
12. Like Solomon Northrup's Journey, 12 Years a Slave also told his story.
13. Gordon Parks, Jr. was a filmmaker and the son of Gordon Parks. He died in a plane crash.
14. My favorite Gordon Parks photo is the one of Red Jackson standing over a dead gang member.
15. In ten years, I will remember that Gordon Parks was a polymath who was especially known for his photography.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Principles of Design - Pattern

Exposure: +0.65
Contrast: +34
Highlights: -28
Shadows: -14
Whites: +29
Blacks: -15
Clarity: +17
Vibrance: +29
Saturation: 0

Principles of Design - Rhythm

Exposure: +0.30
Contrast: +38
Highlights: -26
Shadows: -13
Whites: +33
Blacks: -38
Clarity: +17
Vibrance: 0
Saturation: 0

Principles of Design - Variety

Exposure: -0.30
Contrast: +29
Highlights: -4
Shadows: -46
Whites: +13
Blacks: -9
Clarity: +16
Vibrance: 0
Saturation: 0

Principles of Design - Proportion

Exposure: +0.65
Contrast: +38
Highlights: -40
Shadows: -74
Whites: +33
Blacks: -12
Clarity: 0
Vibrance: 0
Saturation: 0

Principles of Design - Unity

Exposure: +0.15
Contrast: +27
Highlights: -7
Shadows: +12
Whites: +8
Blacks: -36
Clarity: +20
Vibrance: +34
Saturation: 0

Principles of Design - Emphasis

Exposure: 0
Contrast: +8
Highlights: +14
Shadows: -18
Whites: +40
Blacks: -23
Clarity: +23
Vibrance: 0
Saturation: 0

Principles of Design - Repetition

Exposure: -0.55
Contrast: +53
Highlights: 0
Shadows: -35
Whites: +29
Blacks: -35
Clarity: 0
Vibrance: 0
Saturation: 0

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Principles of Design - Movement

Exposure: -0.25
Contrast: +21
Highlights: +25
Shadows: -17
Whites: +33
Blacks: -24
Clarity: +20
Vibrance: 0
Saturation: 0

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Principles of Design - Balance

Exposure: +1.50
Contrast: +14
Highlights: +15
Shadows: +12
Whites: +30
Blacks: -40
Clarity: +20
Vibrance: 0
Saturation: 0

Friday, March 6, 2015

Elements of Art - Space

Exposure: 0
Contrast: +18
Highlights: -54
Shadows: 0
Whites: +69
Blacks: -26
Clarity: 0
Vibrance: 0
Saturation: 0

Elements of Art - Texture

Exposure: 0
Contrast: +49
Highlights: -46
Shadows: -48
Whites: +49
Blacks: -33
Clarity: 0
Vibrance: 0
Saturation: 0

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Elements of Art - Color

Exposure: 0
Contrast: +38
Highlights: 0
Shadows: +48
Whites: +26
Blacks: -21
Clarity: -46
Vibrance: 0
Saturation: 0

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Elements of Art - Form

Exposure: -0.45
Contrast: +32
Highlights: +58
Shadows: -38
Whites: -26
Blacks: -13
Clarity: +37
Vibrance: 0
Saturation: 0

Elements of Art - Shape

Exposure: 0
Contrast: +51
Highlights: +34
Shadows: -36
Whites: -63
Blacks: -32
Clarity: +57
Vibrance: 0
Saturation: 0